I’m not a superhero, but my mother is and she’s the inspiration for ShoeShock. I grew up in a single-parent home in LA. My father left and we went from one income to no income almost overnight. My mother found work, but we struggled. There were times where she chose between paying utilities and buying food. Expendable income did not exist.
We had an unreliable car that frequently broke down and my mom would walk 20 blocks to make it home after work. She wore poorly constructed shoes with no cushion. Her feet ached and she tried to hide the pain, but I noticed. My mom didn’t ask for much, but I knew she wished she could splurge and get better shoes to make the trek easier. She wouldn’t because her children were her priority, but she could dream. I saw her smile whenever we would browse in stores or look at catalogs that had beautiful, well-made shoes. She had joy in her face that made me dream too. I imagined how she would feel if she could buy them. I made it my mission for my mother to never have to choose again. She makes me think about all the hard-working, amazing women who sacrifice everything they have for their family.
So, why does ShoeShock matter? Because something as simple as owning a great pair of shoes could make someone feel better. ShoeShock has every woman in mind. It’s a place for women to buy designer shoes at affordable prices and still have the necessities. No matter your walk in life, I know how a great pair of shoes can make you feel! If I can give women that feeling every day, then ShoeShock has served its purpose.